Your Space and Your Motivation

Episode 49

If you’re lacking energy and enthusiasm for your goals take a look around you. Is your space dragging you down? Or even, just parts of your space? How can you make nutritious meals easily if you are overwhelmed by your kitchen?

Explorer, National Geographic fellow and New York Times best-selling author Dan Buettner discovered 5 places in the world where people live longer (the longest in fact) and better, “The Blue Zones”. Some of the key factors that these zones all shared that made a difference to longevity were linked to their space – terrain, architecture and physical items.

When you are considering what changes to make to your space keep your goals in mind. 

Your space should make it easy for you to do what you are trying to do. 

Your space should reflect your goals and ambitions in life.

Dress for the task at hand! Don't be wearing your lounge-wear to work at home, make sure you have your gym kit READY for workouts, use your clothing to program your mindset.

Plan your space and your belongings to reduce choice and distraction. 

Think about what you can automate that reduces the friction. 

You can really lighten the load by letting go of some things. 

If you feel overwhelmed or stressed when you go into the kitchen to prepare food, you will seek comfort! Reduce your gadgets, plastic boxes and take an inventory of your cupboards so you are reducing the choice and thinking involved.

Remember that clutter is stressful, and the body responds to stress with a surge of hormones that increase cravings and hunger. Stress reduces our ability to create plans we can commit to. 

By transferring a little tidying up or “space setting” into a daily discipline it can become a great “runway task” to lead into the more difficult action you need to take next.

This episode links with the next one "Lack of Willpower isn't your problem!"

Read the full blog post over on our website.


Lack of Willpower isn’t Your Problem


When you break your large goal into smaller tasks and STILL feel overwhelmed!