20 Reasons to Exercise;

that aren’t about how you look or what you weigh!

Yeah, it’s not a very catchy title, and it takes up a lot of space, but it all needs to be in there, with equal emphasis!

We've been wanting to do this one for a while!

If you’re a long time listener you will know we’ve been anti diet culture for a long while, but we’ve had a lot to learn because we’ve been exposed to the same conditioning as everyone else. We’ve been frustrated for a long time by having people (especially other women) tell us we don’t need to go the gym because we don’t need to lose weight. It’s actually quite heart breaking.

So, what do we do in that situation? Well that’s the reason we started this podcast in the first place. IF we’ve got a message we want to get out there, we pick up a mic and start talking…

It's time to change how we talk about exercise (and weight loss), especially for women and even more especially for young girls. The association of weight with health, and weight with looking good, and the fact that if you are "slim" then you must be both healthy and fit are all falsehoods.

One of the worst things about this aspect of diet culture is the fact it has led to women simply not exercising, and thus not getting all of the benefits exercise has to give. Not only are women shamed for their bodies, we're also shamed for wanting to change them and exercise does change them. It makes them feel good, they function better, they serve us better and they become more valuable to us.

There are so many wonderful benefits of exercise it is an injustice that weight loss has risen to the top. It is also mind boggling that we have been so strongly conditioned to believe that is the main reason to exercise, that we question why you would exercise if you don't need to lose weight.

Links for things we mention in this episode;

  1. Improves your brain health

  2. Strengthens your bones and your muscles

  3. Your day to day activity improves - the more you move, the more you move!

  4. More energy

  5. Mood booster

  6. Improved productivity, learning ability improved, boosts creative thinking

  7. Stress reliever

  8. Speeds up recovery from injury, surgery and illness

  9. Improved cardio vascular endurance 

  10. Improved flexibility 

  11. Increased lean body mass - important for health, well being and stability. 

  12. Improved posture - muscle Strength and function, use your body properly

  13. Anti-aging effects - how you move, getting up off the floor without putting your hands down

  14. Improves your sleep.

  15. Improves your eating habits. 

  16. Increases longevity - our favourite!

  17. Decreases risk of preventable disease - osteoporosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Cancer. 

  18.  Improved balance and co-ordination - 

  19. Increase your sex drive - and improved satisfcation

  20. Makes life more exciting - you’re able to do the things you want to do, go on adventures, say yes to opportunities, tick things off your dream list.

Coach Sall looking strong and Coach Dannii asleep on the desk, this is us showing the benefits of exercise that aren't about how you look or what you weigh!

When to Quit…


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