Letting Go of Blame

Reasons Vs Excuses Revisted (Part 7)

We're back on a topic which we have already explored in a 6 episode mini-series back in 2021 (links below to those episodes) but it is a topic that just keeps on giving!

Whether you call them excuses or reasons, we all have them and we felt it was time to revisit this topic that already took up much of our time to see if, over the last 2 years we've changed our minds about anything we said.

Turns out we did a pretty good job first but of course, we did find a bit more to say... there's 3 key takeaways here.

  1. Set yourself up for success - if you feel you have some things that genuinely hold you back, plan your goals around them initially.

  2. Whether it's an excuse or a reason, whether you could have done something about it years ago, don't be dogged by coulda-woulda-shoulda, let go of blame (especially blaming yourself), show yourself some compassion and move on.

  3. What will it take? Whatever you want to do in life, think about this one carefully. What it take to move over or round this obstacle?

That's it! Pretty simple, but also, pretty complex. Work on it!


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