Stop Exercising to Lose Weight!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Stop Exercising to Lose Weight!

Yes you read that right. We want everyone to stop thinking that losing weight is the only reason/motivation to exercise and we've got some very good reasons why!

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The Power of 30
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

The Power of 30

We are well overdue with this conversation - we're talking about the Power of 30. Whether you're trying a new habit for 30 days or ring-fencing 30 minutes of your day to move forward with something you are trying to achieve it really, really works.

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Steps to Change Your Mindset
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Steps to Change Your Mindset

We didn't get chance to give you some real solid ideas for how to change your mindset in last week's episode. To be honest we go so excited about counting backwards from 5, engaging our pre-frontal cortex's and the correct way to high-5 yourself!

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Perfection will SLOW your progress!
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Perfection will SLOW your progress!

When we first started talking about reasons and excuses we never thought it would lead to a whole mini-series. The quote that started all of this from Eric Hoffer goes; "There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than achievement, for an achievement does not settle anything permanently. We still have to prove that we are as good today as we were yesterday. But when we have a valid alibi for not achieving anything, we are fixed, so to speak, for life. Moreover, when we have an alibi for not writing a book and not painting a picture and so on, we have an alibi for not writing the greatest book and not painting the greatest picture.

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Starting Simply; Super Dull or Super Charged?
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Starting Simply; Super Dull or Super Charged?

Starting Simply has its pros and cons, and can actually be way more complex than you might appreciate. It certainly proved a challenging topic to discuss! It plays massively into discipline and motivation so definitely worth a listen!

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Motivation and Discipline
Sally Peacock Sally Peacock

Motivation and Discipline

Coach Dannii and Coach Sall discuss how discipline is actually the key ingredient for getting things done, success and more motivation.

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